Jacob Jose

Software Engineer | ASU Logo Grad | jjose14@asu.edu

Java Spring | MS Azure | AWS | Cybersecurity

Resume  |  GitHub Icon Github  |  LinkedIn Icon Linkedin  | Experience Summary  

Writing code is easy. Identifying and understanding a problem, researching for solutions, and the ability to design and develop new solutions that hasn't been studied yet is what separates a software engineer from a programmer.

And, I am a Software Engineer just graduated in December 2023.

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profile photo

Personal Projects

I developed these applications as solutions to problems that I encountered in my real-life.

The significant and relevant ones are highlighted.

Get Summary Holdings (GSH)

Lite Page | Backend Production URL | Design Document | GitHub Icon GitHub

Simplifies operations for university libraries collaborating in a centralized archiving project.

Converted to open-source project after discussions with AGUA
Shortlisted for ASU Startup Seed competition.

Java Spring Boot | JavaScript | Apache Maven | Docker | MS Azure | HTML | CSS

API Performance Monitor

Design Document | GitHub Icon GitHub

Precisely tracks API usage.

JWT Authentication.

REST API for third-party software integration.

Integrated with Get Summary Holdings.

Java Spring Boot | JavaScript | MongoDB | Docker | MS Azure | Apache Maven | HTML | CSS

Vocabulary Builder

GitHub Icon GitHub

Helps learn and build English vocabulary.

Developed to build my vocabulary while I prepared for the GRE Test.

PHP | JavaScript | MySQL | MS Azure | Docker | Google reCaptcha | HTML | CSS


GitHub Icon GitHub

Timer for simulating GRE examination.

Developed for taking mock tests while I prepared for GRE Test.

JavaScript | GitHub Static Pages | HTML | CSS

Software Tools

Web Development Tools

GitHub Icon GitHub

PNG to ICO file converter.

Key generator for authentication.

Docker | Python | Java

Academic Projects (Master's)


Design Document

Web-application for a Law firm.

Implemented JWT authentication, CI/CD pipeline for DevOps and cloud deployments.

Java Spring Boot | MongoDB Atlas | Vercel | Render | MS Azure

Android APK Malware Detection using Machine Learning

GitHub Icon GitHub | YouTube Icon Demo Videos

Python application for classifying Android APK files into benign or malign after training an ML model.

Python | scikit-learn | Jupyter Notebook | Ubuntu Shell

Brewless: Novel Programming Language

GitHub Icon GitHub | Presentation Slides | YouTube Icon Demo Video

Novel programming language with lexical analyzer, parser, and runtime environment.

Prolog | Python

Traffic Signal Management using Cyber-Physical Systems

GitHub Icon GitHub | Presentation Slides | Project Report | YouTube Icon Demo Video

Smart traffic light system using sensors for varying signal times.

Java Spring Boot

Autonomous Mapping of an area by a Rover using LiDAR SLAM.

GitHub Icon GitHub | Project Report

Python | Docker | Shell Script | ROS2 | Unity 3D

Academic Projects (Bachelor of Technology / Undergraduate)

IEEE Icon Securing passwords from dictionary attack with character-tree

Algorithm to protect password hashes fromm being deciphered using dictionary attacks.

Research Paper

Presented in IEEE WiSPNET 2016.
Campus Events

GitHub Icon GitHub

Web application to list and view various programs happening across various institutions.

PHP | JavaScript | MySQL | HTML | CSS


Android Basics with Compose by Google

Android programming course on Kotlin.

Course by Google Developer Training


Review of Different Consensus Algorithms and Blockchains

Analysis of different consensus algorithms for Blockchains.

Report done as part of ASU CSE539: Applied Cryptography course

Blockchain and Machine Learning Applications in Infrastructure Security within Smart Cities

Highlighting possible blockchain and machine learning applications that could be used to improve infrastructure security in smart cities.

Report done as part of ASU CSE543: Information Assurance and Security course

Solving Project Euler

GitHub Icon GitHub

Solved problems from 1 to 58.


Expedia Hackathon

GitHub Icon GitHub

POC website that lists area of interests in a locality for travellers.

JavaScript | HTML| CSS

Red Cross CPR Certification

Completed CPR and AED for Professional Rescuers with First Aid.

Certified as part of ASU Kids Summer Camp 2022.

This website is based on Jon Barron's website. All credits goes to Jon.